5 Pregnancy Tips I Wish Someone Had Told Me

Being pregnant, especially for the first time can be scary and so exciting all in one. It is such a surreal experience. You are gaining weight, your hormones are all over the place, and knowing you are growing a little human inside of you can be nerve wracking. When expecting for the first time you do get a lot of tips and advice. Here are some tips that I wish I knew when I was pregnant with Lexi.


1. Don’t Google everything. When I was pregnant I would google every symptom and I would end up scared out of my mind. If you need to know something just call your OB.

2. Take a Nap. You need your rest. Being pregnant takes a lot out of you. It is important to get rest. Besides, after you give birth naps become scarce.

3. Take pictures. It is no secret that I had a rough pregnancy so I didn’t take many pictures. I wish I have. I wish I could look back at more than just my maternity shoot and have more to show Lexi.

4. Don’t listen to everyone. You all know who I am referring to. Family, friends, and even people you don’t know. They all want to tell you about their experience. This is your experience. Just smile politely when they tell you their story.

5. Embrace your pregnancy. It goes by fast. It really does. You may not think that now, but when your baby is born you will think “wow it went by quick”.

Do any of you have any tips that you want to add?


Photo by: Hannah Decossas Photography

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